Wednesday 11 September 2013

World's Most Expensive Commercials

World's Most Expensive Commercials

Advertising is the art of making money. It reaches millions of people and brings back billions of dollars. Today's ads reached the supreme level of sophistication and creativity and they cost a lot of money. Here are top 10 most expensive commercials ever made. Advertisement is one of the sources to attract people towards product but these are the costliest commercials ever made in the history of mankind.

10. Apple Most Expensive Commercial

The world is in a deep conformist era. Big Brother blurts out ideological propaganda on a huge screen and everyone pays attention. But everything is about to change. A blonde heroine holding a powerful weapon will break the screen. The people will start thinking for themselves and they will have a new choice: Macintosh Apple. With his “1984” television commercial, Apple introduced Macintosh computer to the world. The ad was directed by Ridley Scott and the total costs of production were $1.5 million. “On January 24th Apple Computer will introduce Macintosh. And you’ll see why 1984 won’t be like “1984”.

9. Go Daddy Most Expensive Commercial

Go Daddy, a hosting company, released the funniest television commercial at the 2005 Superbowl. Starring former World Wrestling Entertainment diva Candice Michelle the ad cost “Go Daddy” $2.4 million but due to so many people seeing it, this brought unexpected profits to the company.

8. Ferrari/ Shell Most Expensive Commercial

Ferrari/Shell ad was released in 2007 at the cost of $4.5 million. It featured a vintage Ferrari touring the world. People from Europe hear the roaring engine and see the car for just a second. The Ferrari shows up in Asia for a second and then in Brazil. Finally it stops at a gas station before starting the next lap.

7. Honda Most Expensive Commercial

Honda spent $6 million creating this ad. The team did not use computer generated images or special effects. They toyed with parts of Honda Accord cars that by pushing each other from start to finish give the idea of perfect harmony. The ad was repeated 606 times until all components worked together like a whole. “Isn’t it nice when things just work?”

6. Pepsi Most Expensive Commercial

Britney Spears is singing and dancing, changing her outfits to represent different styles of music and repeating the following line: “Pepsi, for those who think young!” The total costs were $8.1 million and the ad was released in 2002 which makes it 6th expensive made so far.

5. Carlton Draught Most Expensive Commercial

Following their other piece of art, The Big Ad, released in 2005 featuring hundreds of people marching and singing “It’s a Big Ad” on Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana, the Aussies outdone themselves this time by creating a show in the air. Hundreds of people are release from a plane along with a huge Carlton Draught. While people are sky diving and creating spectacular shapes and words with their bodies, the beer is landing on the earth creating havoc.

4. Chrysler Most Expensive Commercial

Chrysler released this $12 million ad at the Superbowl in 2011. Eminem is driving the luxurious Chrysler 200 through a ragged looking Detroit. The ad is about the return of Chrysler and the revival of Detroit, the famous Motortown, a city that went to hell and back but was never defeated or forgotten by the American people.

3. Aviva Most Expensive Commercial

Aviva is a British insurance brand. Their previous name was Norwich Union. They decided to change that name in 2008 and released an ad featuring celebrities that also changed their name. The total costs of the campaign were a little bit over $13 million but who can put a price tag on Bruce WiIlis, Ringo Starr or Alice Cooper?

2. Guiness Most Expensive Commercial

Guiness spent $16 million in 2007 creating a huge domino in a remote village in Argentina to celebrate their 80th year of marketing history. They did not employ the power of special effects created by intricate lightening systems or computer generated images. They aimed higher. Simplicity is the new form of elegance. In their video people have to be patient, they have to wait and follow with their eyes the unfolding of the game. 6000 dominoes move to reveal the ultimate prize. “Good things come to those who wait!”

1. Chanel Most Expensive Commercial

Chanel decided in 2004 that spending $33 million on their new ad was worth the trouble. They represented the quintessence of luxury in fashion so they had to have the best. They picked blue-eyed actress Nicole Kidman and Baz Lurhrmann the director that made her famous with his movie Moulin Rouge. And then, the masters created a love story video that took place mostly on a huge Chanel logo.